百词斩-学英语、背单词必备 app for iPhone and iPad
■ iPhone 装机必备推荐应用
■ App Store 背单词推荐应用
■ App Store 超100万五星好评
【多种模式 - 记得爽】
• 图片背单词模式,图片生动、轻松好记
• 押韵背单词模式,例句有趣、一次记俩
• 深度背单词模式,多维记忆、备考首选
【详解单词 - 记得准】
• 考试级读音原声录制,背词更加身临其境
• 立体化解析单词内容,单词变形全部搞定
• 全方位素材辅助记忆,内容掌握效果显著
【海量词书 - 记得全】
• 内含200+权威词库,满足各类人群学习需求
• 覆盖小学/中学/四六级/考研/雅思/托福等词书
• 权威考纲+精选内容,为你学习之路保驾护航
【复习利器 - 记得牢】
• 英文选义/中文选词,互译训练效果佳
• 全拼组合/填空拼写,单词默写效率高
• 读词填空/单词速听,听读写译一把抓
【定制学习 - 记得清】
• 定制个性学习计划,适合自己最重要
• 记录点滴学习行为,效果提升看得见
• 多重推送提醒学习,形成习惯不懈怠
【趣味活动 - 有动力】
• 加入班级、同桌,完成学习奖励多
• 单词游戏在线PK,一起学习有动力
• 组队打卡分享,让进步随时随地发生
Pros and cons of 百词斩-学英语、背单词必备 app for iPhone and iPad
百词斩-学英语、背单词必备 app good for
With vivid photos and videos, I can learn English more effectively. Very good app.
The best vocabulary app! If it was not free, I would buy it. Keep up! Thanks!
the best of the best. Try several other apps then come back to this one
Wonderful learning experience in listening and reading at same time. Three speed audio to choose. Better way for intermediate level .
Super motivated to learn more words everyday because of this app!
Some bad moments
Pictures and sample sentences in the App are effective to help you remember.
I love this app. Games and pics are really cool. Using this app to boost your vocabulary is really efficient and entertaining.
This app is overwhelming.
It has a magnificent reminder system that almost never repeats everyday. (很人性化)
However, some words are not connected with the attaching pictures,这应该是唯一的缺点了
I like it so much ! But if can add a vocabulary for unfamiliar word and keep showing one word one day on the phone , then it would be perfect! Thank u!
Its absolutely the BEST word remembering app for Chinese!
我啊,是个特别挑剔的用户…几乎从来都不写点评,也不推荐app。唯一写点评的也就那些免费游戏币任务了。The last time I check,我只安利了网易云音乐。可是啊,这次我还把百词斩到处安利了!太太好用了。词库很广,有趣的学习过程,不能再赞!